The Analog Electronics University

and the home of Symbolic SPICE®

The Analog Electronics University

A large number of analog circuits and electronics courses have been eliminated from electrical engineering programs over the years due to a lack of faculty to teach them. The Analog Electronics University offers analog circuits and electronics courses for self-paced instruction. These are in the form of an e-book and are the actual class notes and lab experiments of current and past courses in the electrical engineering program at Michigan State University. A collection of these courses are posted on YouTube with more to come.

A Suggested Curriculum for persons wanting to specialize as an Analog Engineer, an Analog Integrated Circuit Engineer, a Hobbyist, an Audio Engineer or a Radio Frequency Engineer can be found here.

Symbolic SPICE®

Solving an analog circuit problem symbolically is sometimes a very difficult task. Symbolic SPICE® is an analog circuit analyzer and approximator that can solve analog circuits problems symbolically as well as approximate formulas for some complex analog circuits. A fully functional Demo Version of the Symbolic SPICE® program is available on this website.

Willow Electronics

Willow Electronics, Inc. is a company specializing in innovative solutions to analog electronics problems.

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